Neoliberalism was born in Chile and it will die here
We have united against the Dictatorship's 30 years legacy of austerity in demand for our people's dignity
contact @ bimiriya7 on twitter
Data gathered by the National Institute of Human Rights
Total: ............................................................ 3.838
Men: ............................................................. 3.088
Women: ........................................................ 462
Minors: ......................................................... 288
Injury origin
Bullet: ........................................................... 53
Rubber bullet: ................................................ 193
Pellet shot: .................................................... 1.687
Tear gas canister: ........................................... 298
Physical violence: ........................................... 1.411
Unidentified: .................................................. 196
Eye injuries: .................................................. 460
Police stations
Total: .......................................................... 11.389
Men: ........................................................... 8.076
Women: ...................................................... 1.733
Minors: ........................................................ 1.580
Abuse cases
Total ............................................................. 2.146
Sexual abuse ................................................. 257
Torture: ........................................................ 617
Excessive force: ............................................. 1.272
Lawsuits against police/military
Total: ............................................................ 1.805
Men: ............................................................. 1.071
Women: ........................................................ 364
Minors: .......................................................... 278
LGBTQ+: ....................................................... 20
Disabled: ....................................................... 13
Immigrants: ................................................... 8
Native people: ................................................ 7
Murder: ......................................................... 6
Attempted murder: ......................................... 23
Sexual abuse: ................................................ 206
Torture: ........................................................ 1.083
Injury: .......................................................... 21
Unnecessary violence: ..................................... 91
Other: ........................................................... 34
The Dark Past Behind Chile's Protests
A comprehensive breakdown of the main causes of chilean revolution.
The Shock Doctrine documentary
How USA used Chile as a guinea pig to create Neoliberalism, aided mass murderer general Augusto Pinochet in the 73' coup d'etat against democratically elected socialist president Salvador Allende and the subsequent human right violations that made disappear thousands of communists whose remains have never been found to this day.
Chile’s Security Forces Have Injured Hundreds
The New York Times coverage on the large anti-government protests in Chile have led to more than 1,500 injuries. Among the most common: those caused by pellet guns fired by security forces.
(First month of protests)
“It’s Mutilation.” The Police in Chile Are Blinding Protesters.
The New Yor Times correspondent goes inside an eye trauma unit in Chile that’s responding to “an epidemic” of protesters who have been shot in the eye by police pellet guns.
Awarded 1st Place on NPPA and 1st Place Short Video on World Press Photo.
UN Human Rights Office report on Chile crisis
Report on the mass protests and state of emergency in Chile concludes the police and army failed to adhere to international norms and standards, and calls for reforms.
Crimes under international law and grave human rights violations – intentional and widespread nature of violations.
Un violador en tu camino (A rapist in your path)
About feminist anthem created by chilean collective Las Tesis, performed all over the world.
Chile's protests and the media
How chilean media hides abuse and works against protesters to protect the elite (though, since chilean journalists were consulted, this take is pretty much biased)
In solidarity with those most affected by COVID
COVID quarantine has left many families without proper food supply and basically no support from the Government. In response, residents resurrected an institution called "Olla Común” – roughly, ‘Community Cooking Pot’ – with which they cook in public and share the food with families in need.

Victims of state terrorism in democracy
Mapuche (indigenous people) deaths
(2002) Agustina Huenupe Pavián
(2002) Mauricio Huenupe Pavián
(2002) Jorge Suárez Marihuan ............................... 27 years old
(2002) Edmundo Lemunao .................................... 17 years old
(2004) Julio Huentecura Llancaleo ......................... 30 years old
(2005) Zenón Díaz Necul ...................................... 16 years old
(2006) Juan Lorenzo Collihuin ............................... 71 years old
(2008) Matías Catrileo .......................................... 22 years old
(2009) Jhonny Cariqueo ........................................ 24 years old
(2009) José Toro Ñanco ........................................ 35 years old
(2013) Rodrigo Melinao Licán ................................ 27 years old
(2013) Nicolasa Quintremán Calpán ....................... 74 years old
(2016) Macarena Valdés ....................................... 32 years old
(2018) Camilo Catrillanca ...................................... 24 years old
(2020) Alejandro Treuquil
Protesters deaths (2019-2020)
Cristián Valdebenito .............................................. 44 years old
Ariel Moreno ........................................................ 24 years old
Jorge Mora .......................................................... 37 years old
Mauricio Fredes .................................................... 33 years old
Abel Acuña .......................................................... 27 years old
Manuel Rebolledo ................................................. 22 years old
José Uribe ........................................................... 25 years old
Alex Núñez .......................................................... 39 years old
Immigrant deaths
Joane Florvil (2017, haitian)
(2005) José Huenante .......................................... 16 years old
Claudio Crespo shot Gustavo Gatica
Three weeks after protests started in Santiago, Gustavo Gatica was shot in the eyes by police forces. Despite medical efforts, he permanently lost vision in both eyes.
On November 26th, minister of interior and public security Gonzalo Blumel gave the police 7 days to investigate and bring the culprit to justice.
But those responsible for the crime have not been held to account.